The San Francisco Youth Field Hockey Club offers year round programing including:
Field Hockey is growing in the Bay Area! We have the opportunity to build a field hockey field.
Through the generous donation of Stanford Field Hockey, we have the turf. We have also received a USA Field Hockey Bessant 2024 Grow the Game Grant.
We are reaching out to the broader field hockey community for contributions. All funds raised will be used for the construction of the field hockey field. I know with your generous support we can make this happen!
The Winter season runs from March 23 to May 26 (no session April 20,. 2025)
This spring players can register for
Visit the Registration Page for additional details and the registration link
In order to better align age group teams to school grades, the USA Field Hockey Events team announced new age groups.
All players are required to be members of the United States Field Hockey Associate to participate in practices and tournaments. The annual membership must be purchased directly from the USFHA.
Please remember to assign the player to "SF Youth Field Hockey Club".
Here is a link to their registration page
San Francisco Youth Field Hockey processes payments separate from registration. You can pay via Venmo to @michelle-vandebraak or via PayPal using the "pay a friend" option to
San Francisco Hawks accepts payments via PayPal
Program Director
Please use the SF Rec & Park field maps link above to learn more about our weekday practice fields