Training 3

Here is a video of all 6 drills. Below is an explanation of each drill and an individual video


  1. Triangle Pulls - LEFT. Complete 20 ladders. Repeat 5 times

  2. Triangle Pulls - RIGHT. Complete 20 ladders. Repeat 5 times

  3. Ladder. Repeat 10 times

  4. Slalom - small pulls. Go back and forth 10 times. Repeat 5 times

  5. Slalom - large pulls. Go back and forth 10 times. Repeat 5 times

  6. Push & Receive. Push and receive the ball 20 times, repeat 5 times.

#1 Triangle Pulls - LEFT
Start at the point of the triangle. Dribble forward to the left cone, pull flat across to the right cone, pull flat across to the left cone and then pull back to start. Complete 20 triangles and repeat 5 times

#2 Triangle Pulls - RIGHT
Start with the ball at the point of the triangle. Dribble forward to the left cone, pull flat across to the right cone, pull flat across to the left cone, pull back to the start cone. Complete 20 triangles, repeat 5 times.

#3 Ladder
Start at one end and dribble to the first cone, return to start, dribble to the second cone, return to start, repeat until you complete the full ladder.  Repeat 10 times

#4 Slalom - Small Pulls
Slalom through the cones. Go back and forth 10 times. Repeat 5 times

#5 Slalom - Large Pulls
Start with the ball on one end of the cone line. Stair step your way up the cones by using large pull to the left, dribble forward, large pull to the right, dribble forward, etc. Complete the slalom 10 times. Repeat 5 times.

#6 Push and Receive
For this drill you will need a rebound surface (here we are using a fence). Remember with the push pass the ball starts at your back foot, you drag the ball to your front foot and then release even to your front foot. Follow through in the direction of your pass. To receive the ball turn your body to face the ball, angle the top of your stick forward so you make a trap for the ball. Push and receive the ball 20 times, repeat 5 times.