Training 1

For these drills  you will need a stick, a ball, 4 cones or plastic plates (anything will do - we used plastic IKEA plates) and about 2 square yards of space (indoors or outdoors).

Click here for a video showing all the drills at one time.


  1. Yard pulls: great warm up drill. start with 2 cones placed 1 yard part. how many pulls can you do in 30 seconds? Repeat 5 times.
  2. 4 cone pulls: now use 4 cones to make a square. start in the middle and pull to each of the cones, side to side and forward to back. how many pulls can you do in 30 seconds? Repeat 5 times
  3. 4 cone forehand: with the same 4 cones start at one cone and dribble around the shape using only your forehand. how many times can you go around in 30 seconds? Repeat 5 times
  4. 4 cone backhand: now start at one cone and dribble around the shape using only your backhand. how many times can you go around in 30 seconds? Repeat 5 times
  5. 4 cone colors: now start in the center of the shape and have a sibling or parent call out a color. dribble to that cone as quickly as you can and then dribble back to the center. how many cones can you get to in 30 seconds? Repeat 5 times


That is it for today. Also if you happen to video tape yourself practicing, then send us the videos or tag us on social media. We will post again soon.

Stay healthy!

instagram: sfyfh2017
facebook: @sfyouthfieldhockey